• When your toddler’s drinking cup has more eye appeal than your stemless wine glass, you know you’ve officially become a hip mom. For years, my eyes have glazed over at the endless sea of character sippy cups that have graced our dinner table. From playful creatures to frolicking animals (why does that cat look so happy, anyway?), whatever could get my daughter to drink her milk worked for me. But when it was time to ditch the handled version for a plan cup,  all bets were off. (Are you feeling my pain?) Well, if you’ve got a toddler who doesn’t relish change, you know you may have a battle on your hands. But what could be more enticing than a big kid cup that looks [&hellip


    If I make it through Christmas without tripping over a toy, I’ll be amazed. Call it the curse of generous gift-givers or from years of writing about kids’ product for my various magazine jobs…no matter how you slice it, my kids have been blessed with more playthings than Santa’s Workshop could hold. Do you find that your house is the same–that you too are surrounded by Legos, Calico Critters and tiny pepperoni pieces from a play pizza kit? If you’re noticing how messy your family room has become, while also realizing just how long your child plays with a toy before she loses interest, forget about banishing Barbie to the basement. Giving new meaning to the idea of “re-gifting,” thredUP.com is expanding its kids’ clothing [&hellip


    Sometimes, I feel like I understand what it must be like to be an octopus. Between holding my 2-year-old’s hand while managing grocery bags and my own purse, I can still amazingly get my key in the front door. While I may not have as many appendages to master all the feats of the day, a multitasking bag can sure do the trick. The new line of timi & leslie 2-in-1 backpacks are true workhorses that work double time (kinda like us moms). You can either wear the bag as a backpack, or zip up the backpack straps and wear it as a messenger bag. This versatility helps convey that “Yeah, I’ve got my stuff together” look…even if it’s all a ruse. Would you believe [&hellip


    Ah, the glory of the cold weather….the snow, the ice, the dry air that makes my skin crack and bleed. Once the heat turns on in my house, my hands turn into claws that are so dry, it looks like my cat and I had a fight, and she won. But seriously, eczema and dermatitis are no laughing matter and sadly, my young daughters seem to be ripe candidates for inheriting my sensitive Irish skin. For those families battling dry skin,exederm has a brand new line of baby skincare that can’t be beat. From baby lotion and moisturizer, to shampoo and bath soap, this collection contains no fragrance, no color or dyes, no lanolin and no parabens (if you know your skincare lingo, that means [&hellip


    Got a tween on your holiday shopping list this year? Good luck….But before you go grabbing yet another iTunes gift card or trying to guess which Hollister sweatshirt she doesn’t have, check out Quagmire ColorFusion polo shirts. They change color with your child’s body heat or in direct sunlight. Playing outside? Watch how his shirt goes from all-white to splotches of green and yellow….cool or what? Available in sizes 4-14, this machine-washable apparel makes a unique gift for the fashionable kid in your life. In a Nutshell: Let your kid express his true colors in a shirt that captures his mood and suits his discriminating taste. You’ll be the favorite aunt (or grandma, or uncle, etc.) Tags: ColorFusion kids’ fashion, Quagmire


    Maybe I have royal wedding on the brain with all the William/Kate stories circulating as of late, but I couldn’t help but wonder if they had kids right away, how might they outfit their nursery? The newest high-end model from Bratt Decor, the Chelsea Lifetime Crib in Iron, is one that surely commands our attention. The creme de la creme of cribs, this solid, yet stylish sleeping space is constructed from hand-bent wrought iron. How different is that? And when it’s time to move into a big-kid bed, this model converts into a full-size bed. With such a solid design, the Chelsea Lifetime Crib is sure to be the crown jewel of any nursery, royalty or not. In a Nutshell: Looking for a crib that’s [&hellip


    Traveling with a little one this holiday season? Good luck. When packing for a trip to Grandma’s, it can feel like you’re carrying everything but the kitchen sink in your arsenal. Wipes and diapers? Check. Bottles and bibs? Got it. Pack ‘n Play, play gym?….Wait, we’re running out of trunk space here. To make your load a little lighter, check out the Baby Lounge to Go. This versatile product wears many hats: it’s a bassinet, activity gym, and changing place all in one. Pull up the canopy and let baby take a snooze. When she’s awake, add the attachable toy bar and she’s got a secure place to play. Plus, the waterproof pad stands up to on-the-go diaper changes. And once you’re ready to pack [&hellip


    While stuck in traffic this past weekend in Staten Island, I happened to glance over at a car that had pulled off to the side of the road. The hatch was open and inside sat a little girl on top of a potty seat while being attended to by her mom. Needless to say, she (the mom) did not look happy…not just because her travels were interrupted by a small bladder, but I’m guessing she was thinking about what she’d have to contend with afterwards. My Carry Potty seeks to make potty-training on the go a little less…well, messy. At first glance, it resembles a colorful carrying case whose contents are a mystery. Open it up and you’ll find an ample-sized seat where your little [&hellip


    I finally decided to bite the bullet and clean out my purse. (Hey, when you have 5 minutes to spare, these are the exciting things we moms do.) Amidst the countless used tissues, gum wrappers and broken crayons was a lone diaper…with a hardened piece of gum stuck to the bottom. It really set me off–not just because it was vile-looking, but because diapers don’t come cheap and this one was headed straight for the trash can. Since I don’t think I’ll ever be one of those moms that can whip out a fresh wipe and diaper packed together–and if you remember my post from last week, you know I love Ziplocs–I can appreciate the convenience of Diaper Buds. These individually-wrapped diapers fit right into [&hellip


    You know what comes right after those Thanksgiving leftovers have been polished off and the holiday decorations hauled out of the attic…a seemingly endless season of shopping for gifts. And while you may have your act together this year and have already started taken advantage of all those sales, I’ll imagine gift-wrapping isn’t high up on your priority list just yet. Me too. While I can handle the myriad purchases I’ll need to make from now until New Year’s, it’s the act of boxing and bagging I can do without. Yes, my 6-year-old’s school just finished their giftwrap fundraiser, but alas, I’m sure I’ll run out of supplies before I get through my kids’ presents, let alone the rest of my family. I’m really loving [&hellip