• Spring is almost here! Well, maybe not just yet…But once all that snow melts, you’ll be itching to take your little one out for a stroll in a new set of wheels. Orbit Baby is holding a Valentine’s Day giveaway that enables a grand prize winner to choose between 4 Orbit Baby products, including a stroller, travel system, bassinet and sidekick stroller board. To enter, visit Orbit Baby’s Facebook page between now and February 13. Winners will be announced on Valentine’s Day, so spread the love and give it a shot. Walnut Special: Second place winner will receive a $100 credit voucher to be used towards the purchase of any Orbit Baby product. Not too shabby… Tags: baby products giveaway, Orbit Baby, Orbit Baby Stroller [&hellip


    Check any girls’ clothes wish list (is there such a thing?) for spring, and you’ll find a tunic layered over leggings. Call it a chip off the old block–after all, it’s become one of the mommy staple outfits for several seasons now–but it appears to be one look that girls and their moms can agree on without launching World War III. One cute tunic/leggings combo that caught our eye is from the new Oshkosh B’gosh Basics line. It’s playful yet practical, and goes from classroom to playground without a hitch. The rest of the line includes polos, tees and skorts in everyday colors and stripes guaranteed to please even the most temperamental fashionista. We can appreciate that the entire Basics collection won’t break the bank [&hellip


    Any parent can tell you that what they see as an empty laundry basket, their child sees as a boat beckoning them aboard. An empty mayonnaise jar is a safe haven for lightning bugs…and the list goes on. Because children have an inherent sense of curiosity, they are hardwired to explore and discover their world. Surely moms and dads alike can relay memories of their child demonstrating this curiosity. One particular instance that comes to mind was when my 6-year-old who was 3 at the time decided she wanted to see if cracked eggs would fit back together, and so she proceeded to experiment without my knowledge–or permission. Can you picture it?.. Baby Einstein must have had this very sense of curiosity in mind when [&hellip


    It may be the Year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese calendar, but around our house, the Year of the Hoodie prevails. It’s a fashion trend that is carrying over from adult to kid, and has moved off the runways and into the closets of many a family. A stylish, yet casual alternative to the “I’m-so-fed-up-with-sweaters-already” look, we’re noticing hoodies on everyone from hip to be square TV geeks like Leonard from “The Big Bang Theory,” to the modern day Renaissance Man James Franco. Celebrities aside, the hoodie is a look that works for everyone. I love my own navy preppy Polo zip-up peeking out from a fitted denim jacket–a perfect “what, this old thing? I just threw on whatever was clean” excuse. My [&hellip


    When your child thinks of his favorite childhood friend, don’t be surprised if he mentions a particular red furry friend. I know my toddler would count him among one of her best stuffed buddies. Not sure who I’m referring to? Why, it’s none other than Elmo who celebrates his birthday today. In honor of this guy’s special day, Sesame Workshop is culling favorite memories of Elmo fans big and small to post on Elmo’s Facebook page. Did your first-born carry his Elmo doll around with him, wherever he went? Did your little one reserve a spot for Elmo at the dinner table? Maybe singing “Elmo’s World” was the only way to coax your daughter into the tub. No matter the memory, we invite you to [&hellip


    Last month, we told you about the Nursery Designer tool from Carousel Designs that lets you create a customized room design for your little one that you can visualize before committing to a specific style. Well, now the good folks at Carousel Designs have partnered with Natural Mat to offer a contest that helps you get started on those nursery furnishing purchases. From now until February 4, you can enter to win a Carousel Designs Organic Lime Scroll 4-piece bedding set and a Natural Mat Coco Mat organic crib mattress. Simply visit Carousel Designs’ Facebook page and “like” both Carousel Designs and Natural Mat. Deadline is 12 midnight EST on February 4. Good luck! Tags: Awesome Organics giveaway, baby products giveaway, Carousel Designs, Natural Mat


    Kids and clothes….now there’s a favorite topic among today’s parents. If you’re looking for an argument waiting to happen, you’ve got it. Sometimes, trying to win the “battle of the morning outfit” is much like trying to dig out from under all this snow; try as hard as you might, you get practically nowhere! Maybe that’s why it was so meaningful to bond over bagels with like-minded moms (and dads) at yesterday’s Haddad Mommy Bloggers Brunch in NYC. (That’s me, third one from the left.) Together, we lamented over everything from avoiding dressing room try-ons, to the TV shows and movies that influence our kids’ clothing preferences. I’m excited to be part of this team that will be covering fashion trends from Nike and Levi’s [&hellip


    When my husband and I took our young daughters on our annual summer vacation, there wasn’t a single piece of baby gear that we left behind: portable high chair, Pack ‘n Play, stroller, ExerSaucer…we were a regular traveling circus of kiddie equipment. There was, however, one item we just couldn’t bring along, and one that caused me more anxiety than it should have. Trying to bathe a young baby in a standard bath is like trying to dress a cat in doll clothes: cute idea, but they just don’t fit right. Keeping my little one upright with one slippery hand became a Herculean feat that I didn’t care to repeat day after day. Believe me when I say this was no vacation at the beach! [&hellip


    Once upon a time, there lived a little girl who loved her vegetables. Be it broccoli or string beans, she devoured every green-leafed morsel on her plate. She met each carrot with a zest for eating, every tomato with an appreciation for fresh produce that no 2-year-old had ever been known to cultivate. Until, that is, the day she entered a new phase: the “I don’t like thaaatttt!” stage of development parents of toddlers have come to know, yet not love. How frustrated became her mom. “What happened to that little girl who loved to crunch and munch all things healthy?,” she wondered. She began to fret, since this child was not one for a big appetite as it was. Lucky for both of them [&hellip


    My 6-year-old is already pestering me to buy valentines that she can send to her classmates, but I keep putting her off. I can’t blame her enthusiasm; I was the same way as a kid: always looking forward to holidays and enjoying the experience of finding just the right cards and decorations. (It’s probably why I’m a proud Hallmark platinum card carrier today…). But I know that once those cards are signed and sealed with a kiss, she’ll be anticipating the next valentine-related activity and this year, I’m at a loss…until I came across a fun new craft kit that doubles as a gift for a lucky friend or family member. Petite Sweet Soaps are not only pretty, but they’re easy to make for your [&hellip