• the abc’s of learning

    My toddler is fascinated with magnetic letters. Not only does she enjoy the ones on our fridge, but there are even bigger letters at our public library that she loves to put into rows and group by color. Who cares if she doesn’t know her “A” from her “B?” She’s not even 3 yet; I’m just happy that she’s showing an interest in letters. Maybe that’s why the Play-Doh Cookie Monster’s Letter Lunch Playset is such a big hit in our house.  It’s a colorful, creative alternative to learning the alphabet the old fashioned way. When springtime rolls around, we always break out a new set and head outdoors (for easy clean-up). With the Cookie Monster set, my daughter loves the fact that she can choose which color Play-Doh to use for each letter. What a power trip!  Then, with a little help from Mom (and her big sister), she just adds some Play-Doh to the mold and pops out a perfectly shaped letter. We’ve spelled out her name and even made alphabet soup that she can feed to Cookie Monster. Me think she likes it very much!

    In a Nutshell: When you’ve sung “The Alphabet Song” until you’re blue in the face and those fridge letters have become too ho-hum, here’s a fun way to help your little one learn her letters.

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