• hamming it up for turkey day: gollywood here i come!

    Kids’ books are one of my most favorite things, especially this time of year as the holidays approach. But while there seem to be no shortage of great Christmas books, our stash of Thanksgiving titles always appears to be lacking. I think we’ve stumbled upon a new one worth adding to our library. Gollywood, Here I Come! is a spirited read that will tickle your funny bone and captivate even the most fidgety listener. It stars a young turkey starlet, Anamazie, who aspires to leave her small town and someday walk the famous red carpet. Her dreams are nearly crushed after she fails to earn the top spot in “Gobbleville’s Got Talent” until a better opportunity comes along. Readers will be whisked away along with Anamazie as she embarks upon the adventure of a lifetime and eventually makes her way out to Tinsel Town where things are never dull. Vivid illustrations teeming with activity mirror exactly what young minds may envision Hollywood to be. But with all the glamour and glitz aside, readers quickly learn that hard work, like anything worth striving for in life, is all part of the job. Gollywood, Here I Come! is a entertaining read for this Thanksgiving or any time of year that you’re thankful for your good fortune: health, happiness, friends and family. And that’s something worth savoring.

    In a Nutshell: Readers ready for their close-up will relish this bountiful feast of a book, with all the trimmings of a satisfying story.


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