• vegas, baby: skip hop baby’s first slot machine

    Happy April Fool’s Day! Have you played any pranks on your kids today? While we haven’t quite gotten our game on just yet, some other folks apparently have. Skip Hop is up to its old tricks, with the perfect gag gift for your favorite betting baby. Baby’s First Slot Machine is a playful nod to that little bundle of love that manages to take a big bite of your bank account each and every month. Now your little one can try her luck and see if she can win big…or at least, make a dent in her diaper budget. Three owls in a row that pay for a new pair of shoes? Now that’s a HOOT! We’ll just consider ourselves blessed that we get a tax credit for each kid. We didn’t need anything new for ourselves, anyway (sigh…).

    In a Nutshell: The high cost of having a kid is no joke, but this tongue-in-cheek toy is. Happy April 1st!

    Skip Hop AprilFools_idea_final


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