• swaddling for the sleep deprived: miracle blanket

    There is no one who knows sleep deprivation like a new parent. Back in the day, when my girls were infants, I was lucky if I could manage 3-4 hours a night in those first few months. (And anyone who told me to “nap when they nap” never offered to do come do my laundry or wash my dishes either.) What I also heard a lot about was the key to getting your baby to sleep better and longer, and that was swaddling. I admit to trying to following the steps that the hospital nurse had demonstrated, but by the time when we were settled in at home, it turned out I was all thumbs and I gave up shortly thereafter. Lucky for us, our new dad tester, Chris Hart, the proud father of a month-old baby girl, was game to try out a new swaddling blanket that came our way. Unfazed by turning his daughter into a willing test subject, Chris unrolled the Bamboo Miracle Blanket and got right down to business. He praises the Miracle Blanket for being “super soft” and for having “great instructions”–a big plus if you consider yourself challenged in the baby gear assembly department. After Chris practiced with the Miracle Blanket a few times, Chris got the hang of it and describes the product asĀ  being “very easy to use.” Because this bamboo blanket is made from a breathable fabric knit, it’s ideal for warm climates (like Chris’ family who lives in Southern California), as well as cooler areas. Because his baby was just three weeks old when first swaddled in the Miracle Blanket, her little legs and feet kept popping out of the openings, but Chris thinks that may become a non-issue as she grows. “If your baby is very fussy or needs to swaddled well, the Miracle Blanket will be the go-to swaddle, hands down,” he reports. Hopefully, that translates into more shuteye…for everyone.

    In a Nutshell: Sweet dreams are made of this. A swaddling blanket that makes Baby snug and secure.

    (Note: The photo featured below was supplied by Miracle Blanket and is not of our tester’s baby. But from what we know, she is just as cute.)

    Miracle Blanket


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