• tooth be told: the brushies

    Twas the day after Halloween and there was much candy to spare…could this mom get her kids to brush their teeth on a dare? If it feels like dental hygiene falls by the wayside on those busy, harried school mornings, you are not alone. My kids often concoct any excuse in the book to avoid brushing. (Lucky for me, I’ve finally caught up on the ol’ run-the-brush-under-the-water trick.) Of course, if your kids are younger than mine, you probably have more control over their brushing…or do you? For reluctant newbie brushers comes The Brushies, a line of finger puppet tooth brushes for ages 4 weeks-4 years that are as clever as they are cute. Simply put, they take the sting out of using a standard baby toothbrush (am I doing this right? Are those bristles really getting her mouth clean?) by turning brushing into a playful experience. Made from non-toxic, BPA-free silicon, the four colorful brushing pals come with a read-along board book that keeps kids entertained while you get the job done. If they tire of the story, let them hold or wear the other Brushies on their own fingers. Before you know it, teeth cleaning time is over and done, so you can move on to other things. Like raiding their Halloween candy stash…just don’t forget to brush your teeth.

    In a Nutshell: Cleaning those little choppers can be entertaining…who knew? Perfect for post-Halloween brushing and all the sugar treat-filled days in the coming months.


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