• hello my name is_____: kidaroo crew sippy grab

    I label practically all of my kids’ stuff. Water bottles, backpacks, lunchboxes…you name it. If I’m not busy folding endless loads of whites and darks, you can probably find me perched over some object, Sharpie in hand. Of course, none of the labels I’ve been using have been able to stand up to standard wear and tear or my dishwasher. I’ve tried everything from official-looking file folder labels, to the clever now-I-don’t-have to-do-anything-but stick-them pre-printed return address labels. But nothing will stay put. How incredibly psyched I was to stumble upon Kidaroo Crew’s Sippy Grab. Designed by a mom whose own experiences of keeping her kids’  gear labeled once and for all, these incredibly write-on, slip-on labels fit right over any standard sippy cup, baby bottle or water bottle. You can pick from any one of 10 different styles that mesh with your kid’s personality–soccer star? future princess?–and there’s plenty of room on the back to write your kid’s name. Sippy Grab is great for school, daycare, birthday parties or any place where there will be plenty of kids–and that means more drink mix-ups. For the little ones, these labels make it easier to grip their beverage of choice, and moms will love that they’re disherwasher-safe and BPA-free. We think it’s pure genius–and it makes us want to get our hands on a grown-up version for the office break room. Cheers!

    In a Nutshell: A hip way to keep your kids’ bottles and cups labeled once and for all? We’ll drink to that.




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