• The Playful Walnut Archive

    It doesn’t take much to realize that Elmo still resonates with little kids. A quick glance at the minivan ahead of me on the preschool drop-off line confirms his unmistakeable furry frame, whooping it up on the small screen. (What did moms do before the days of portable DVD players?). Because my girls were often too impatient to wait for “Elmo’s World,” their favorite part of “Sesame Street,”  we often turned it on to catch the last 10 minutes of the show. If your kids clamor for that lovable red monster too, they’ll be delighted by the prospect of having all Elmo, all the time in his newest DVD. “Elmo’s Favorite Things” features eight popular EW segments–over 2 hours of Elmo entertainment. EW regulars already [&hellip


    So you think you can dance? My daughters find themselves in stitches whenever this dancin’ fool tries to bust a move. I don’t kid myself; I’m hardly a a candidate for “Dancing With the Stars,” but I can appreciate fancy footwork when I see it. When they’re not cracking up over Mom’s moves, my girls are busy working with their own dance partners: Furreal Friends Dizzy Dancers. These fuzzy pets twirl and pin at the simple pull of their “dizzy cord; just give it a whirl and watch them go. Once you get the hang of it, check out the Twistin’ Tricks Card and see what you can train your pet to do. And because you can switch out the top and bottom of these [&hellip


    My daughters share a hand-me-down craft table that’s seen its fair share of crafting sessions and tea parties. If the faded marker smudges and discolored tabletop is any indication of its storied past, we know this particular piece of furniture has taken quite a licking over the years. Maybe that’s why we’re intrigued by the Brunswick Play Table. Part of the Pottery Barn Kids Spring 2012 Collection, this good-looking, yet highly functional table is the ideal focal point piece for any spacious  play room. Made from a solid wood construction, it’s designed to withstand years and years of play, from one sibling to the next. The table’s dark finish, poised to hold up to potential craft supply stains, is balanced out by six card catalog-style, [&hellip


    It’s an ugly day out there, in more ways than one. You know the kind of day we’re talking about: the one where you wake up and it’s so dark outside, you’re convinced your alarm clock is mistaken. You open the curtains to discover it’s raining cats and dogs, and you still must make it to the bus stop. Yeah, we know the feeling. That’s why we can’t help but smile at the little things that make our day: a hug from a child, a hot cup of tea and a unique umbrella that will turn any frown upside down. We recently raved about the latest Uglydoll, even going so far as to dub him Man of the Year, and now we’re tipping our hats [&hellip


    Bathtime boring? Not in our house. Who could get tired of splashing around in a sea of bubbles, all the while getting squeaky? While it may already be my kids’ favorite time of day, it never hurts to kick things up a notch with some new tub time friends. Skip Hop Moby & Friends Bath Squirters are an ideal companions for any soaped-up kid. Six colorful sea creatures are just begging to take a dive and fill up with bath water, so kids can squeeze and squirt them over and over. We love that they’re easy to grasp, especially when you have slippery fingers. And when it’s time to drain the tub, make a game of it by dropping them into the Sort & Spin [&hellip


    We live across the street from a fresh water pond, which gets its fair share of fishermen on your average spring day. But with three months of winter still to go, we won’t be baiting our lines anytime soon (we’re not exactly big fans of ice fishing). Just because you have to put our tackle boxes away for the season doesn’t mean you can’t roll up your sleeves and practice indoors. Fishing Camp, a brand-new board game for ages 4 and up, is a great playtime substitute for when the fish aren’t biting. The concept is straightforward: roll the dice and move your boat around the board until you land a fish and reach the docks. The more fish trivia questions you answer correctly, the [&hellip


    What kid doesn’t love music? Even from an early age, young children benefit from its calming effects and as they grow, they learn about the powerful influence of rhythm, melody and harmony on the sounds they make. My girls are fortunate enough to be exposed to music both in the classroom and at home, but everyone is not so lucky. Because of massive cuts in education budgets across the country, often the first thing to disappear from curriculum is the arts. If you’re one who can’t live without your iPod, imagine the thousands of children who may not be able to experience the timbre of timpani or the harmony produced by dueling harmonicas. Because no child should be deprived of such sounds, we feel the [&hellip


    One week into the New Year, and it’s already almost time for the 100th Day of School (for most kids, it takes place later this month). How apropos then that everyone’s favorite furry, red monster has his own interactive book app out, just in time to celebrate. Specially designed for Nokia Smartphones, the 100th Day of School takes Elmo, Abby Cadabby and the rest of the Sesame gang through a fun-filled day of learning with more than half the school year behind them. Kids will love hearing Elmo ask them questions about the story as they touch the screen. If you’re using this app along with your kids, check out the text-highlighting feature that indicates which words are being read aloud. This free download is [&hellip


    The forecast is calling for scattered flurries later this week. I guess that means winter is officially here, whether I choose to accept it or not. And when the weather calls for below-freezing temps, that means the party must move indoors. Because some little walnuts we know were fortunate enough to receive gift cards, in addition to the standard loot this holiday season, that means they’ll be ready to hit the local toy store faster than you can say Fijit (yes, we have one in our house, too…maddening, isn’t it?). Since  Mom still has a say in their purchases, we tend to steer towards the battery-free, imagination-driven options. And if they happen to be made from high-end, all-natural materials that are kind to our environment? [&hellip


    With the new year lurking right around the corner, we’re seeking comfort from the cold, dark winter that’s now upon us. Now that the post-holiday blues have set it, we feel like we want to hide out until spring…..OK, so life’s not really all the bad, but some days, don’t you just want to crawl back under the covers and stay there indefinitely? No matter if you’re a frazzled mom or a stressed-out kid, let’s face it: Life can get a little…well, ugly. This year, we’re cuddling up to Softy, one of the year’s newest Uglydolls. He knows what it’s like to have a bad-hair day–or, in Softy’s case–a bad-hand day (he’s only got 6 fingers). Even if this guy can’t give you a high-five, [&hellip