• Creativity for Kids Archive

    A week into the New Year, and we get socked with a blizzard and frigid temps. With a day off from school and a lingering cold for this mommy, we were forced to stay indoors…and that means Christmas toys get extra game play. Luckily, my girls received some real winners (no sarcasm intended), and have been happily keeping busy with their gifts. But of course, since we received a promo item whose packaging I couldn’t resist, we just had to open it up. The nondescript Creativity Can was cloaked in an air of mystery…ok, soI like being dramatic–but the truth of the matter is the plain brown paper-clad canister would not reveal the identities of its contents (35 pieces worth), only its “nutrition label” promised [&hellip


    My daughter is at the age where crafts rule. Each year for her birthday, we decide on an art activity that ties into her party’s theme. This year, we made ball and paddles with a carnival motif, and the year before that, it was sand art for a beach scavenger hunt. When she turned 5, we did an around the world party, and the kids made their own kaleidoscopes…but sadly, they (the kaleidoscopes, not the kids) fell apart before the party was even over. So much for investing in party store supplies; you get what you pay for, as the saying goes. One kaleidoscope kit that does not disappoint is the new one from Creativity for Kids. Whereas other models have flimsy materials at best, [&hellip


    My 6-year-old is already pestering me to buy valentines that she can send to her classmates, but I keep putting her off. I can’t blame her enthusiasm; I was the same way as a kid: always looking forward to holidays and enjoying the experience of finding just the right cards and decorations. (It’s probably why I’m a proud Hallmark platinum card carrier today…). But I know that once those cards are signed and sealed with a kiss, she’ll be anticipating the next valentine-related activity and this year, I’m at a loss…until I came across a fun new craft kit that doubles as a gift for a lucky friend or family member. Petite Sweet Soaps are not only pretty, but they’re easy to make for your [&hellip