• instant winter: seedling create your own snowflake fairy wand

    Last weekend, we had our first taste of winter for the season: enough snow to pile up for making snow angels and going sledding. And then just like that, it was gone! Fluffy mounds of powdery white quickly turned into muddy puddles, with only dirty, wet tire tracks as proof of their existence. Temperatures soared into the balmy 50s, threatening to turn this winter on its end. So, what’s a snowstorm-loving kid to do without a winter wonderland? Create her own, of course, and we have just the magic touch to get the snowball rolling. Seedling’s Create Your Own Snowflake Fairy Wand puts the power of pretend play into your child’s hand–literally–by providing all the essentials to fashion a decorative wand. From white felt and colorful ribbons, to rhinestones and a cut-out snowflake, these ingredients help make a magical stick  bound to be the envy of snow fairies everywhere. (Full disclosure: We are a big fan of Seedling craft kits, not only for their beautiful packaging but their top-notch materials that stand up to creative kids’ play.) This kit is perfect for an indoor snow day activity, a sick day boredom buster or even a way to extend the fun of a day spent outside. So, if Mother Nature isn’t complying with your kids’ requests to make it snow, give them a reason to look forward to the next big storm.

    In a Nutshell: Take that, global warming! Here’s the perfect antidote to post-holiday, I-don’t-have-anything-to-do blues.

    Seedling SnowandSeedling sno package


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