• bug off: bekoool itch relief patch

    The calendar may say September, but the bugs are still biting like it’s summertime. Aside from several trips to the beach, my girls have hardly played outside these last few months, thanks to this being one of the more buggy summers in the Northeast. And yet they’ve still managed to rack up many a mosquito bite. While we’ve tried a variety of remedies to culprit that pesky itchiness–from creams to sprays–nothing has done the trick…until now, that is. After road-testing a sample of BeKOOOL Itch Relief Patches for the past week, we are a changed family. These clear adhesives look much like a bandage, but they’re actually cleverly disguised with a cooling ingredient that soothes unbearably itchy bites. Because these patches discreetly cover unsightly bumps, they work their magic quickly and effectively. After a few days of usage, my 5-year-old carefully peeled off her own patch, revealing healed skin and a smile to boot. We like that our entire family can wear them without having to reapply creams or sprays that eventually wear off. And did we mention no scratching? A big plus for extra sensitive kids who are never convinced this stuff is working. Lucky for us and this crazy, never-ending summer.

    In a Nutshell: Bug bites need not be pure misery. This convenient treatment is a go-to solution for any person suffering from persistent itchiness.

    Patch on Child-1

    One Response to “bug off: bekoool itch relief patch”
    1. Jen Welsh

      I am definitely going to try this! My son barely plays outside because of the bug bites he gets!

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