• rock ‘n read: baby loves to rock!

    Just last week, we celebrated the New Year by purging our bookshelves. “Out with the old, and in with the new,” as they say. My 8-year-old was happy to make room on her shelves for some new Dork Diaries by passing picture books on to her younger sister. And for my 4-year-old, that meant departing with some baby board books in order to accommodate the hand-me-downs. I admit that I hate to give up any books, much less ones that I’ve read over and over to my girls until I could recite them in my sleep (and some nights, I think I’ve done just that). For any parent of a baby/toddler looking for a new title to commit to memory–something that may be a step up from “Goodnight Moon” in the cool department–be sure to check out Baby Loves to Rock! This edgy, little read packs quite a punch in a lively format. Celebrating all things musical, each colorful page showcases a different animal rockin’ out to his favorite category of song. These are creatures that know their punk from their pop, mind you. You can’t help but chuckle at the subtle humor, like the fox that trots and the lamb showing off his chops. Little kiddies are sure to be giddy from all this music-making, so we recommend reserving this story for anytime other than “night-night.” Of course, by the last page, we know who can really rock. In this case, they do save the best for last.

    In a Nutshell: Almost as fun as playing air guitar, this romp of a read will have little ones ready to bust a move.


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